Pipeline Construction
Pipeline construction done right the first time eliminating rework, costs and schedule issues
We listen to your needs as successful projects depend on client/constructor interaction
Facility Construction
Quality fabrication for gas facilities
Projects completed based on customer specification or provided as EPC

Horizontal Directional Drill
Directional drilling and environmental friendly boring with water and air jets
Process flexibility to meet all soil and environmental conditions
Compressor Station Installation
Complete construction package for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
Scope adjustments made as required by the client for division of work

Oil Tank Repair & Repurposing
Complete construction package for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
Scope adjustments made as required by the client for division of work
Trenched Fuel Oil Piping Systems
WMI provides a complete package for piping system whether integrated complex underground or rack mounted above ground piping systems
WMI understands complexity and site interference needs to meet individual customers expectation of plant projects to ensure not interference with ongoing operations.

Oil and Gas Pipeline Equipment
Western Mountain winch system enhances safe practices for working on steep grades and provides increased productivity that benefits our customers.